20 November 2009

For the Good Times

Yesterday I had a great time with my class of fun seniors. This is the group I will actually miss when I leave. I love classes with lots of personality, and this group certainly qualifies. We were reading a text (one of those awful exam-prep texts that I hate) about a 60-year-old Indian man (dots not feathers) who's just found out that his son wants to move to America. So our vocabulary had lots of words in it like "crushed," "heartbroken," "unthinkable," "hurt," etc.

At the end of class, I gave them their assignment and announced that I would be absent on Monday and so we wouldn't have class. Without missing a beat, they went into full theatrics, saying, "We're crushed!" "It's unthinkable!" And so on and so forth. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It was a really great feeling.

So yes, there will be good memories to take away from here. I'm truly glad that I've had this experience, and if I can end on a positive note, so much the better.

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